
DIAGNOSIS: Generalized Anxiety Disorder

TREATMENT: Mindfulness-based Cognitive Group Therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder


  • Basic premise: Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is a structured therapeutic approach that combines mindfulness practices with core concepts of cognitive therapy. This group therapy program integrates mindfulness meditation and cognitive strategies to help individuals develop awareness of their anxious thoughts and emotions and learn to relate to them in a non-judgmental and accepting manner. Participants are taught to identify and challenge maladaptive thought patterns, develop a more balanced perspective on their worries, and cultivate effective coping skills to manage symptoms of GAD. The group setting provides a supportive environment for individuals to share experiences and learn from one another, fostering a sense of community and mutual understanding.


Evans, S., Ferrando, S., Findler, M., Stowell, C., Smart, C., & Haglin, D. (2008). Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for generalized anxiety disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 22(4), 716–721.

Kim, Y. W., Lee, S.-H., Choi, T. K., Suh, S. Y., Kim, B., Kim, C. M., Cho, S. J., Kim, M. J., Yook, K., Ryu, M., Song, S. K., & Yook, K.-H. (2009). Effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy as an adjuvant to pharmacotherapy in patients with panic disorder or generalized anxiety disorder. Depression and Anxiety, 26(7), 601–606.

Strege, M. V., Swain, D., Bochicchio, L., Valdespino, A., & Richey, J. A. (2018). A Pilot Study of the Effects of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy on Positive Affect and Social Anxiety Symptoms. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 866.

Wong, S. Y. S., Yip, B. H. K., Mak, W. W. S., Mercer, S., Cheung, E. Y. L., Ling, C. Y. M., Lui, W. W. S., Tang, W. K., Lo, H. H. M., Wu, J. C. Y., Lee, T. M. C., Gao, T., Griffiths, S. M., Chan, P. H. S., & Ma, H. S. W. (2016). Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy v. group psychoeducation for people with generalised anxiety disorder: Randomised controlled trial. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 209(1), 68–75.