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Society of Clinical Psychology – Div12. (n.d.). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Panic Disorder.
The treatment of anxiety disorders: Clinician guide and patient manuals (Andrews, 2003)
Psychological treatment of panic (Barlow, 1988)
Cognitive approaches to panic disorder: Theory and therapy (Beck, 1988)
Cognitive therapy of anxiety disorders: Science and practice (Clark & Beck, 2010)
Anxiety and Panic Disorder. Patient Treatment Manual. (Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety Disorders St. Vincent’s Hospital Sydney, 2010)
Mastery of your anxiety and panic. Therapist guide (Craske & Barlow, 2007)
Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders: A Practice Manual and Conceptual Guide (Wells & Leahy, 1998)
Cognitive Therapy Skills (University of Michigan Medicine)
What are Panic Attacks (Therapist Aid)
Assessment of fear in agoraphobics: The body sensations questionnaire and the agoraphobic cognitions questionnaire (Chambless et al., 1984)
Brief standard self-rating for phobic patients. (Marks & Mathews, 1979)
Multicenter collaborative Panic Disorder Severity Scale (Shear et al., 1997)
Free downloadable PDF Resources (Anxiety Canada)
Panic attacks and Panic Disorder (Psychology Tools)
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