Cognitive behavioral therapy in groups (Beiling, McCabe, & Antony, 2009)
Leader's manual for adolescent groups: Adolescent coping with depression course (Clarke et al., 2009)
Mind over mood: Change how you feel by changing the way you think (Greenberger & Padesky, 2015)
Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie bei Depressionen [Cognitive behavioral therapy for depression] (Hautzinger, Stark, & Treiber, 2003)
Control your depression (Lewinsohn, 2010)
Group therapy for depression: The coping with depression course (Lewinsohn et al., 1984)
Treating postnatal depression: A psychological approach for health care practitioners (Milgrom et al., 1999)
Group therapy manual for cognitive-behavioral treatment of depression (Munoz, 2000)
A group cognitive behavioural therapy program for depression (Oei, 2011)
Coping with the seasons: A Cognitive Behavioral Approach to Seasonal Affective Disorder, Therapist Guide (Rohan, 2008)
Download site for youth depression treatment & prevention programs (Kaiser Permanente)
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