2023Proposed Budget for Presentation at the Mid-Winter Meeting

Debra O’Connell, PhD.  

I am happy to report that our division continues to be in a solid financial position. The final 2022 spending may change a small amount due to some transactions that are still being processed; however, most of our 2022 spending has been accounted for as of the December 2022 financial report from APA, and we did not exceed our proposed spending. Further, we ended 2022 with a

balance of approximately $141,000 in the bank. As reported during the Fall 2022 treasurer report, the board decided to invest $100,000 to a moderately aggressive investment portfolio and at year end, our portfolio increased in value by a little over $3,000. Given the volatility in the stock market for 2022 this is actually a great outcome. 

Our budget for 2023 was approved by the Board at the recent midwinter meeting. We are continuing to invest in several projects with relevance to our division membership, including continuing to grow our CE training offerings, continuing to fund various sub-projects related to Division 49’s Institute program, and updating our newsletter and website. As you will note, much of the rest of the annual budget goes to support basic operations of the division and increased costs reflect the return to in-person meetings and adjusting for changes due to inflation.

If you have any questions about this report or anything related to our division finances, feel free to contact me at any time.

2023Proposed Budget for Presentation at the Mid-Winter Meeting

Debra O’Connell, Ph.D.

Pronouns: She/They


 SUMMARY 2022 Budget 2022 Actual Through Dec. 31 2023 Budget
 Total income $                             41,880.00 $                                       200,135.96 $                           183,551.94
 Total expenses $                             49,850.00 $                                         27,830.77 $                             63,890.00
 Income less expenses: $                           141,495.00 $                                       172,305.19 $                           119,661.94
 INCOME DETAILS 2022 Budget  2022 Actual Through Dec. 31  2023 Budget
Journal Royalties $                             40,000.00 $                                         55,758.61 $                             40,000.00
Dues $                               1,700.00 $                                           1,818.00 $                               1,700.00
Interest $                                   180.00 $                                                57.60 $                                     50.00
Contributions $                                           –   $                                                       –   $                                           –  
CE Royalties $                                           –   $                                                       –   $                                           –  
Checking Account Balance $                                       141,801.94 $                           141,801.94
 Merrill Lynch MM account  $                                              699.81 
Income: $                             41,880.00 $                                      200,135.96 $                          183,551.94
 EXPENSE DETAILS 2022 Budget  2022 Actual Through Dec. 31  2023 Budget
100Midwinter Meeting $                                   500.00 $                                              500.00 $                             13,000.00
 Newsletter Editor Stipend $                               2,000.00 $                                           2,000.00 $                               2,000.00
 Newsletter Publishing/Website Build $                                           –   $                                                       –   $                               1,400.00
Newsletter Website Maintenance $                                   600.00
Associate  Editor Stipends $                               2,000.00 $                                           2,000.00 $                               4,000.00
Journal Fellowship Stipend $                                   500.00
One time honorarium for George $                               2,050.00
300Awards & Grants $                                              503.58
 Donation to APF $                               1,000.00 $                                                       –   $                               1,000.00
One time donation to APF $                               5,000.00
  Student Posters $                                   600.00 $                                                       –   $                                   600.00
  Student Diversity Posters $                                   600.00 $                                   600.00
  Student Diversity Award $                                   500.00 $                                              500.00 $                                   500.00
  Student Travel Awards $                               4,000.00 $                                           1,000.00 $                               4,000.00
Journal MVP Award $                                   500.00 $                                              500.00 $                                   500.00
Awards & Plaques $                               1,000.00 $                                              910.66 $                               1,000.00
  Suite and Executive Meeting $                               3,000.00 $                                           3,307.86 $                               4,000.00
  Social $                               2,500.00 $                                           2,011.75 $                               7,500.00
  Promotional $                               1,000.00 $                                                       –   $                               1,000.00
  Conference Coordinator $                                           –   $                                                       –   $                                           –  
  ECP $                                           –   $                                              310.00 $                                   500.00
  Membership $                                   500.00 $                                                       –   $                                   500.00
 Student Committee $                                           –   $                                                       –   $                                   500.00
 Specialty Task Force $                               2,500.00 $                                                       –   $                               2,500.00
 Diversity…. $                               2,000.00 $                                                       –   $                               2,000.00
600Liasions/External Committees
  COS Dues $                                   550.00 $                                              350.00 $                                   550.00
  COS Attendance $                                           –   $                                              980.92 $                                           –  
  CAPP/FAC Attendance $                                           –   $                                                       –   $                                           –  
700Social Media $                                           –   $                                                       –   $                                           –  
800Marketing $                                   100.00 $                                                       –   $                                   100.00
900APA Administrative Services $                               3,000.00 $                                           1,755.00 $                               2,740.00
   APA Member Services
   CESA App Fees $                                   260.00
   Miscellaneous/Other $                                                35.00
1000Miscellaneous $                                           –   $                                              185.18 $                                   190.00
   Special Projects $                             10,000.00
   Webmaster Fee $                                           1,800.00 $                               1,800.00
Video Camera $                                           1,049.22
Institute funding for mentee and mentor funding $                             12,000.00 $                                              806.60
CE presenter honorarium $                               3,000.00
Our Contribution to Group Council $                                           7,325.00
Expenses: $                             49,850.00 $                                        27,830.77 $                             63,890.00

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