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Mastery of your anxiety and panic: Therapist guide (Barlow & Craske, 2022)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder, patient treatment manual. (Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety Disorders St. Vincent’s Hospital Sydney, 2010)
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Basic Group for Anxiety (DeSana)
Mastery of Your Anxiety and Panic: Workbook (Barlow & Craske, 2006)
How to beat worry and generalised anxiety disorder one step at a time: Using evidence-based low-intensity CBT (Farrand & Chellingsworth, 2016)
Managing your worries. A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy evidence based approach to help you overcome your Generalised Anxiety (Farrand, Woodford, & Small, 2019)
Cognitive-behavioral treatment for generalized anxiety disorder: From science to practice (Robichaud & Dugas, 2006)
Generalized anxiety disorder workbook: CBT activities to manage anxiety, cope with uncertainty, and overcome stress (Shapiro, 2022)
CBT for worry and generalised anxiety disorder (Wilkinson, Meares, & Freeston, 2011)
Anxiety (Client Handouts) (University of Washington Harborview Center for Sexual Assault & Traumatic Stress)
Anxiety Handouts and Worksheets (Psychology Tools)
18 Anxiety Worksheets for Adults, Teens & More (Sutton, 2023)
Generalized anxiety disorders (Van Ameringen & Pollack, 2011)
Generalized anxiety disorder: The CBT approach (The Washington Center for Cognitive Therapy, 2018)
Helpful Anxiety Resources (Anxiety & Depression Association of America)
Generalised Anxiety Disorder resources for clinicians (Centre for Clinical Interventions, 2023)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Worry. Resources and Support for You (Humber River Hospital, Mental Health and Addictions Program, 2017)
Self-help - Generalised anxiety disorder in adults (National Health Service)
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) treatment options (Tartakovskey & Arthur, 2021)
Generalized anxiety (GAD) (The Washington Center for Cognitive Therapy)
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