Pain Self-Management Training Group Manual (Ersek et al., 2008 - email lead author for resource)
Brief Pain Self-Management (BPSM) Program Facilitator’s Guide (Nicholas et al., 2017)
CDC Self-management Education Workshops (CDC)
Chronic Pain Self-Management Program (CPSMP) (Self-management Resource Center)
PAIN Self Management Program Tool Kit (For purchase)
Stanford Pain Medicine Pain Science Lecture Series (Video)
Self-management education for chronic pain presentation (Lefort)
Living a healthy life with chronic pain (LeFort et al., 2015)
The chronic pain management sourcebook (Drum, 2020)
Stanford Chronic Pain Self-Management Program Workbook Handout (Karayannis)
Resource Gide to Chronic Pain Management (American Chronic Pain Association and Stanford University)
Self Management Resource Center Trainings (Self Management Resource Center)
Arthritis Lifestyle Management Guide (Arthritis Research Canada)
Promoting Chronic Pain Self-management Education Fact Sheet (International Association for the Study of Pain)
Self Management for Chronic Pain (Mirgain and Singles, 2016)
Pain Self-management Strategies Handout (Wanlass and Fishman)
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