The Group Psychologist

Society of Group Psychology & Group Psychotherapy
A Newsletter of Division 49 of the American Psychological Association
Vol. 32, No. 2


President, President Elect & past President Columns

Navigating Academic Departments series 1

From The Editors Desk

2022 APA Convention Program

Action Group Therapy Column

Group Thereapy procedures & Guidelines

EBGT Project Update

Group therapy Column

The Cor-Corner -Apa

Early Career Psychologist

Diversity-equity - inclusion-belonging

Fellowship for Members of Historically Excluded Groups

Group Dynamics Most Valuable Paper

Editorial Fellowship for Historically Excluded Groups

Future Leaders

Participant Observer in Group Psychotherapy

Group Therapy Plein Air:Ecotherapy

Safe Spaces in Group Therapy

New Ethics Book in Group Psychotherapy

The group psychologist Vol 32, nO. 2.