Promising Treatments for Borderline Personality Disorder
Ninomiya, A., Sado, M., Park, S., Fujisawa, D., Kosugi, T., Nakagawa, A., … & Mimura, M. (2020). Effectiveness of mindfulness‐based cognitive therapy in patients with anxiety disorders in secondary‐care settings: A randomized controlled trial. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 74(2), 132-139.
Kim, Y. W., Lee, S. H., Choi, T. K., Suh, S. Y., Kim, B., Kim, C. M., … & Yook, K. H. (2009). Effectiveness of mindfulness‐based cognitive therapy as an adjuvant to pharmacotherapy in patients with panic disorder or generalized anxiety disorder. Depression and anxiety, 26(7), 601-606.
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